Diagonal cutters

1) One tool for cutting all materials: - FACOM's universal cutters can cut cleanly through all types of materials: Copper wire, semi-hard wire, hard wire, piano wire, steel strip, nylon strip, binding wire, bronze wire and Ertalon etc. 2) A reduced cutting effort: - FACOM's cutting pliers reduce the cutting effort by 20%: - Optimised cutting-edge geometry - Long lever arm. - Pivot pin offset as close as possible to the cutting edges. 3) Durable cutting power: - Very high resistance to wear when used to cut hard wire or subject to intensive use. - FACOM cutters are made of high strength steel for maximum durability. The cutting edges are double heat treated.

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192.CPE High-performance diagonal cutters
192.CPE High-performance diagonal cutters
Electricians diagonal cutters
Electricians diagonal cutters