Technical Corner
We are here to help answer your
questions with our easy guides
and technical advice
Bumax Presentation
We recently hosted and presented a series of lunch events for our customers to present our new Bumax range of fasteners.
The events, held at the Crowne Plaza in Dyce and at our customer's offices, were attended by engineers, buyers and business owners. A copy of the presentation can be found below:
Bumax Technical Handbook
The Bumax Technical Handbook is intended to serve as a practical source of knowledge for everyone who requires information on the correct use of mechanical fasteners.
Guide to Thread Galling
We have put together an easy guide to Thread Galling on Stainless Steel fasteners.
Technical Training / Lunch & Learns
We now offer technical training with our suppliers such as Nord-Lock, Bumax etc. to meet your needs and solve the bolting challenges your applications face.
Looking at Cost Reductions
With the current state of the market and everyone looking at cost reductions, we have been looking at our own systems and discussing this situation with our Manufacturers and Suppliers in an effort to identify meaningful savings to pass on to our customers.
Looking for something else?
We are always looking for ways to help our customers so please feel free to let us know if there is something specific that you are looking for.