Dead-blow hammers

Safe, Ergonomic and Comfortable. Deadening the blow: The head is half-fitted with steel balls, the mass of which has sufficient inertia to counteract any tendency to bounce back After striking, the face of the hammer remains in position, without the damaging effects of rebound when hammering home an accurate fit. The nylon or polyurethane striking faces remove the risk of lying chips when hitting hard metal objects. "Monobloc" hammer in polyurethane: - In addition to the dead-blow feature the soft-face hammer 216 is fully moulded in a polyurethane shell. - This monobloc design protects the head from splitting and the balls escaping in the workshop - The chemical-resistant polyurethane moulding gives the tips a far longer service than conventional soft-faced hammers.

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216 - One-piece dead-blow hammers
216 - One-piece dead-blow hammers
212A - Dead-blow hammers, interchangeable tips
212A - Dead-blow hammers, interchangeable tips